When an American flag becomes tattered or worn, it's time to retire it. But, instead of throwing it away like any ordinary object, it needs to be disposed of properly. Generally, this is done by burning, but burning one any ordinary way can be seen as disrespectful. Instead, if an American flag of yours has become worn or damaged, save it for a flag burning ceremony. Called a Patriotic Flag Burning Ceremony, this event is held outdoors with a campfire program. One flag is used for the ceremony, but all are burned at the event.When a Patriotic Flag Burning Ceremony is held, two color guards are needed - one for flying and one for retiring it. After it is flown, the leader leads the color guards and those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance. Afterwards, the flag is ordered to be retired, in which it's lowered and folded. It, however, is folded into a traditional triangle and then folded again into a rectangle to symbolize a coffin, before it goes into the fire. Once the American flag is folded into a rectangle, the color guard comes forward and places it on the fire, and then all salute. A memorial service is held for all being retired and, after the service, the leader and one color guard remain until flag is consumed.So the American flags being burned do not fly off the fire, the fire is made from a bed of coals. Those in attendance at the ceremony, meanwhile, stand for the ceremony and then the memorial burning. During the latter part, all of the flags being retired are burned, although only one flag is actually used during the ceremony portion.In most cases, a government organization, even your local American Legion, may hold such a flag burning ceremony. If you and your neighbors have American flags that need to be retired, contact such an organization to arrange for a ceremony in your area.