American Flag Eagle : Patriotism and Heroism
The United State of America or America is iconic with the image of Eagle and American flag. American flag contains 13 equal white and red horizontal stripes with blue rectangle bares 50 white 5 pointed stars. The thirteen stripes mean the first states that declared independence while 50 stars mean the number of states currently in the U.S. America use Bald Eagle as U.S. national bird symbol. You will often see American flag eaglepictures put together as a symbol of patriotism and heroism.
Male and female adult bald eagles both have a blackish-brown breast and back, white tail, neck, and head, and yellow beak and feet. All citizens respect the American flag eagle as spirit to encourage patriotism. By looking at the image, American soldiers get their spirit to lift and gain their bravery and power to fight enemies.

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